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The School for F.M. Alexander Studies was set up in Melbourne by David Moore in 1998 and has been training Alexander teachers in Melbourne since then.

This website provides information about the ongoing training as well as other programs taught by David Moore and other teachers at the school in Melbourne, elsewhere in Australia and overseas.

You will also find a description of the Alexander technique and a lot of in-depth articles about the Alexander technique and about the application of the technique to yoga.

Below are just some of what we are offering


Smart Yoga Classes

David Moore, Josie Eberhard and Caroline Blackshaw are offering a range of classes in different locations in Melbourne.

  • Mondays  Brighton 7.15 - 8.30 pm

  • Tuesdays Coburg 7.00 - 8.15am

  • Tuesdays Brighton 9.15- 10.30am

  • Tuesdays  North Fitzroy 1- 2pm

  • Tuesdays Northcote 6 .30- 8.00pm

  • Wednesdays Coburg 5.45 - 7.00pm

  • Thursdays Preston 3 - 4pm

  • Thursdays Brighton 9.15- 10.30am

  • Thursdays Preston 3 - 4 pm

  • Sundays  Coburg 10 - 11.15pm

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Alexander Technique Vocal Course

The Alexander technique was developed initially as a technique to heal and improve vocal functioning.

The school runs a term-long  intensive course four times a year on Tuesdays from 9am to 1pm.

Our next 9 week course begins on 3  September  at Richmond.



Alexander Technique Teacher Training Course

The School has been Melbourne's hub for Alexander Technique learning and events for the general public and practitioners. 

We offer a three-year full-time Alexander Technique teacher training course.

Get in touch to find out how you can take your interest in Alexander Technique learning to the next level. 

Term two starts 2 September


Alexander Technique and Yoga Retreat in Assisi, Italy

9 - 15 June, 2025

Join David Moore and Rossella Buono at this beautiful and historic venue


There will be a full program through the mornings to lunchtime and then the later afternoon and evenings will be free fro a siesta, wandering through the city and also private lessons.


David Moore's European Workshops 2024

27 June to end of August, 2024

The following workshops,and residential retreats are organised or to be confirmed for 2024

  • Canterbury 15 - 16 June

  • London 19 June

  • Scarborough UK 21 - 23 June

  • Assisi 27 June - July 3

  • Cologne 25 July (TBC)

  • Dusseldorf 27 - 28  July

  • Hamburg 17 - 18 August

David is also available for private lessons during his visit to most of these places.

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Tai Chi with Lynne Conway


New term starts 14 October

8 weeks


Mondays 3.00 - 4.15 pm

Tuesdays 11.00 am - 12.15 pm

Continuing Level 1 course of traditional Yang Style Tai Chi and Qigong at Holden Street Neighbourhood House.   We focus on the foundational movements of the traditional Yang style informed by Alexander Technique principles. It is for those who want to explore the world of tai chi and its benefits for inner stillness, flowing energy, balance and movement.


New starters are welcome each new term - try a class for free to see if it is for you.

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Private Alexander Technique Lessons with David Moore

David Moore offers private lessons at in Preston,

You can book yourself in for a lesson online or contact him directly for more information

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David Moore's workshops and private lessons in Angelsea

Saturday 23 November, 2024
with David Moore

David is offering two three hour workshops as well as two private   lessons on both days

In the morning there is a workshop on using the Alexander technique to improve posture and movement.

In the afternoon  a Smart Yoga workshop looking at the application of the Alexander Technique to yoga.


Online Smart Yoga Classes with David Moore

Tuesdays 7 - 8.15am Melbourne time

Wednesdays 6 - 7.15pm Melbourne time

Private classes by appointment.

These classes are structured to work for the range of people who attending.

In the group classes besides the general instructions to the whole class David observes individuals and gives appropriate instructions and modifications.


Alexander Technique for Singers Workshop

Saturday 21 September 2024
2 - 5pm with Jenny Thirtle

This afternoon workshop with Jenny Thirtle is suitable for all styles of singing.

I t follows a morning guitar workshop and you have the option to attend both of both guitar and voice are your instruments.

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Finding Ease at the Guitar

Saturday 21 September, 2024
10am - 1.00pm
with David Moore and Michael Avery

In this a fully practical workshop we we will explore how to find confort and ease in sitting and standing with the guitar and in everyday like

You have the option of also attending an afternoon workshop on the application of the AT to voice.


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Alexander Technique Student Clinic

Term three student clinics commence at the start of September.

We have on place available for each

supervised Alexander technique lesson with a final year trainee.

In Preston on Mondays 3pm and Tuesdays 3.45pm

In Richmond on Wednesdays 1pm and on Thursdays 12pm

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Smart Yoga

In his best-selling illustrated book Smart Yoga, David Moore brings together thirty years of teaching experience in the Alexander 

Technique and yoga. David presents fresh and practical insight into how the Alexander Technique can contribute to yoga practice. More than and instruction manual, this book, complete with visual examples, offers readers a critical approach to yoga practice. For yoga instructor, Alexander Technique teacher and those who are serious curious and open-minded about their yoga practice. 


2025 Annual Residential Course

April 11 - 15, 2025

With visiting teacher Jeando Masoero from France and teachers from the school.

This is an intensive courjse, run as part of our training but also open to teachers of the technique and others with an interest in going deeper into this work.

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Body Mapping Manual

This illustrated manual was developed to support the delivery of the unit "Body Mapping: Use body mapping to improve movement and posture" taught as a part of the Advanced Diploma for Alexander Technique Teacher Training. The publication will be an asset to a range of environments including those where teacher or trainers are wanting to extend experiential teaching and learning. The content can be applied to various physical skills, activity or clinical situations where therapists are treating clients or advising them on postural and/or movement issues.   

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